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today the government has summoned to the press release at 16.00. Then it is related to the excitement of whether or not schools and kindergartens once again be open after easter.

Although several municipalities believe it is almost impossible, believe others that they are happy to open the doors if they are allowed.

– I see no challenges in it to open the schools again after easter, ” says Bø-mayor Sture Pedersen.

It means that if they are allowed, as can schools and nurseries in the vesterålskommunen be started again already on Tuesday 14. april.

We should have a meeting about this on Saturday. It depends of course of what the government says, but if we get the chance to have it, so I think we can be ready at short notice.

Pedersen emphasises that kindergartens and schools has partially been open for children with parents in the criticism work, so that much is correct already.

– We will continue to be restrictive and have strict measures, but I believe soon we must dare to take our community back, ” he says.

And no one can accuse Bø municipality not to be restrictive. The municipality was the first in the country to shut down all schools and kindergartens. And it has so far been a success.

Pedersen emphasizes that the Bø municipality to now not have any confirmed cases of koronasmitte. So, it is almost in all of Vesterålen. The few cases that are registered, have been in people who have been infected outside the region.

Considering different measures in different parts of the country

One of the opinions which the government now makes, is whether it should be implemented different measures in the different counties, depending on how severely affected they are by koronaviruset.

It confirmed the assistant director Espen Nakstad when he visited the Radio the news broadcast on Saturday morning.

It is set down by the expert groups to assess whether children can return to school and kindergarten, as well as consider the economic implications of smitteverntiltakene. Norwegian institute of public health has also delivered a report.

All the reports are kept secret until the government’s decision is clear.

– Want the kindergartens to open the

Chair of Tomas Norvoll (Ap) in Nordland mean different practices in different parts of the country, can be a good way to go.

According to Nationen, he believes that some communities may operate without as stringent smittevernstiltak that you have other places in the country. He believes the economy is affected very hard by the stringent measures we have now.

I want that nursery schools in Nordland to open. If you see that it is compatible with to keep the infection down, so I think it comes. Whether it is from the first day after easter, or a little later.

He pulls the forward island Værøy as an example. There are no reported infected.

If at the same time they have strict travel restrictions, then there is no reason that the nursery cannot be open. But it requires an aggressive testing and sporingsregime.

Sture Pedersen in Bø agree that differentiated actions can be good.

I am a supporter of that decision shall be made at the lowest possible level, ” he says.

More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK Status NorgeSist updated: 07.04.20205863Smittet280Innlagt82DødeStatus for Norway