we Already know that to vote for the amendments to the Constitution the Russians will go in masks and on schedule, and at the polls will face the usual restrictive lines and requirements to keep the distance of 1.5-2 meters. Vladimir Putin left to determine only the date of the vote. There is every reason to assume that this will happen in the near future.

that the vote on the amendments is not far off, obviously, to anyone who sometimes turns on the TV. If a week ago reminded only a few commercials, but now the arguments about the importance and timeliness of the people’s will is even more airtime than coronavirus reports.

Already more or less clear, and how we are going to vote to minimize the risk of infection. Moscow adopted a law on distance voting. For those to whom it is not appropriate, the CPS has published agreed by the head of the CEC Ella Permilovo recommendations about the organization of the plots in the outdoors, using tents and army tents.

they say that voting can take place for several days, and residents be invited to attend it on schedule (Roughly the same principle, as is done in Moscow in relation to walks in the parks).

All voters at the entrance to the station will measure temperature, and if it will be increased, or will show other signs of distress – to be isolated in the designated room and call the doctor.

of Course, all Russians, who decided to fulfill their civic duty, you need to be short and to remove them upon presentation of identity documents.

At the same time members of election commissions (despite the fact that they will be wearing gloves) to touch the passports prohibited: voters will need to show them in expanded form and to turn the pages. The electoral commissions are advised to develop routes to dissolve those who have just come to the site and those who have already put the ballot in the ballot box. For this, it is written in the requirements, you need to apply special restrictive line.

Recommendations of the CPS is composed in great detail, they specify the requirements for all stages of voting, including leaving the house (for example, to those who are quarantined in connection with COVID-19. Can not do here without hazmat suits) and the counting of votes (of course, also in masks, gloves), there is only one date. It was announced been waiting for a week, but Vladimir Putin is in no hurry, because the theory can call the number even a week before the vote.

As explain sources “MK”, such a possibility has been President due to the fact that the previous decree (about the vote on 22 April) was not cancelled completely. In notjust made an amendment stating that the new date will be set separately. Accordingly, the requirement to wait 30 days in this case is not mandatory. As Putin himself said in March at a meeting with Pamfilova: “after the publication of the decree we should hold the vote no sooner than a month, and later, with the sentence – when, later, the law is not identified.”

However, much speaks in favor of the fact that the date (or dates, if accepted the recommendations of the CPS) will be announced next week.

first, unexpectedly resumed the work of the working group on constitutional amendments, which seemed to be his mission already fulfilled – all offers are collected, consolidated and approved by all, including Vladimir Putin.

Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the pandemic coronavirus does not affect the amendments, they are not obsolete, and the sense to re-deploy to a public debate, according to the Kremlin, no. Therefore, the working group may meet only one purpose – to recommend to the President a new date for a vote. And at the same time to remind the Russians that they have to vote. “In my opinion, there is no need to prolong this process,” said co-chair of the group taliya khabrieva.

Another important public event of the upcoming week – presentation of the government’s national plan of action for the recovery of the economy. On Friday, the Cabinet held a final meeting for its formation: now the plan contains 9 sections and 500 events in various areas.

the Key goal is increasing real incomes, reducing unemployment, sustainable economic growth through the introduction of modern technologies, active import substitution, etc.

the Document must be presented to Putin on June 1, Sands said it will be made open to the public, although the format is not yet defined. Since the plan must form the Russians have confidence in the future, his presentation can also be used for announcing the date of voting on amendments.

according to sources “MK” and other media, the most likely is the referendum 1 or 8 July. However, with the organization of voting on 8 July, there are some difficulties: the areas are usually located in schools, and on 6 and 7 July scheduled the exam on the Russian language, and on 10 July of the relevant mathematics.