China was the first clinical human trial of a vaccine against coronavirus. The corresponding article was published in the prestigious medical journal the Lancet.

according to the developers of the vaccine, the medication is recognized as capable of generating an immune response against SARS-COV-2 people, safe and fairly well tolerated, although not without side effects. The vaccine is a vector of artificial (recombinant) adenovirus type Ad5. The drug was studied in 195 patients. According to the testimony of researchers, the vaccine began to emerge from the 14th day after injection, and maximum effect was on the 28th, when the number of antibodies in the organisms of patients reached a peak.

meanwhile, the scientists noted the subjects a number of side effects. In 54 percent of patients noted pain at the site where the shot was given, as well as high temperature (46 percent of patients), fatigue (44%), headache (39 percent), muscle pain (17 percent). However, all of these reactions were mild or moderate. Chinese scientists intend to continue the clinical trials of the vaccine.